A Dead Simple Way to Improve Your Search Ranking and Rank Higher

If you think money alone can buy and improve your rankings with the search engines, you are sadly mistaken. However, you can achieve your desired results with a little knowledge, time and strategy and get top-ranked positions on the search engine results page (SERP). Let me share a simple way to rank higher and get better search…

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Can You Show Me What A Sales Funnel In My Market Looks Like?

Can you show me what a sales funnel in my market looks like? I recently got this question from a client, and decided that I would make a short video to show a sales funnel in the online fitness coaching world.  Understand this is not meant to be in-depth with great detail, just an introduction…

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How We Define Digital Marketing

According to Wikipedia, Digital marketing (also known as data-driven marketing) is an umbrella term for the marketing of products or services using digital technologies, mainly on the Internet, but also including mobile phones, display advertising, and any other digital medium. We like to say around the war room, that Digital Marketing is using proven marketing strategies…

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