Can You Show Me What A Sales Funnel In My Market Looks Like?

Can you show me what a sales funnel in my market looks like?

I recently got this question from a client, and decided that I would make a short video to show a sales funnel in the online fitness coaching world.  Understand this is not meant to be in-depth with great detail, just an introduction and overview of what a sales and marketing funnel for online fitness coaches can look like.  A sales funnel does not have to be complicated.  It can have many moving parts, however, once you understand the various elements needed to create the funnel, assembling it goes quickly.

A sales funnel is just a process to move your prospects/leads from point A to point B (your desired outcome). It is comprised of tools, and tactics, and should be a part of your overall marketing strategy.

This is an example of an Educational Based Sales Funnel Using Facebook Ads

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This is an example of a Facebook video ad with video sales page in the online fitness coaching niche

If you have any questions about sales funnels, facebook ads, or what to know more about growing your business using a proven system, reach out to us.  We would love to have a conversion with you.

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